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Image by Agence Olloweb

LinkedIn development numbers, statistics, demographics and interesting facts

Total number of LinkedIn users:
756 million 
Last update: 21/06/21

Number of active LinkedIn users in Europe:
198 million+ 
Last update: 21/06/21

Active job seekers on LinkedIn:
15 million+ 
Last update: 21/06/21

Number of Hungarian users on LinkedIn:
1.1 million +
Last update: 21/06/21


Linkedin Demographics

  • Over 74% of Linkedin users are from outside the US.

  • Women make up 43.1% of all LinkedIn users, while 56.9% of LinkedIn users are men.

  • The age group with the most LinkedIn users is between 25 and 34 years old, 60.1%. 50% of Internet users with a college degree or higher use LinkedIn.

  • The average income of LinkedIn users is currently $46,644 per year.

  • There are 61 million top influencers and 65 million decision makers on LinkedIn.

  • There are 17 million opinion leaders and 10 million C-level executives on LinkedIn.

Number of LinkedIn users year-over-year

2010 -    78 M

2011 -  116 M

2012 -  174 M

2013 -  238 M

2014 -  313 M

2015 -  380 M

2016 -  450 M

2017 -  490 M

2018 -  556 M

2019 -  604 M

2020 -  690 M

Q1 2021 - 756 M

LinkedIn usage statistics

  • 40 million people use LinkedIn every week to search for jobs

  • 3 people are hired every minute on LinkedIn.

  • In 2020, the number of conversations on LinkedIn increased by 55%

  • 57% of LinkedIn's total traffic comes from mobile devices

  • 80% of content engagement comes from Mobile.

  • Employees are 14x more likely to share content from their employers than any other type of content on LinkedIn.

Number of companies on LinkedIn

2017 - 18 million

2018 - 26 million

2019 - 30 million 

2020 - 50 million

Q1 2021 - 57 million

Clapping Audience

Marketing content statistics

  • 280 billion feed updates are viewed annually.

  • LinkedIn accounts for over 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs.

  • 92% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn in their digital marketing strategy.

  • LinkedIn content grew by 60% in 2020

  • LinkedIn live streams grew 437% in 2020

  • There are 2 million active content creators on LinkedIn.

  • Long-form content (1900+ words) performs better a 

  • 1M+ LinkedIn users post content weekly

  • 45% of readers belong to the top management of companies.

  • Posts with images get 2x more reaction.

  • Only 3 million users share content on a weekly basis.

  • Posts divided into 5, 7 or 9 headlines perform best.

  • Articles between 40-49 characters perform best Articles without video perform better than articles with video.

  • It's best to upload videos natively to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Paid Ads Statistics

Blue Background

 LinkedIn ads can potentially reach 13% of the world's population. 

LinkedIn ad reach grew to 25 million in Q4 2020.

LinkedIn's cost per lead is 28% lower than Google Ads.

Interesting facts

  • An average LinkedIn post reaches 21 industries and 9 countries

  • Executives rate LinkedIn as the best choice for professionally relevant content

  • LinkedIn is the most trusted social media platform.

  • You are 7x more likely to be found if you have a profile picture on LinkedIn.

  • If your profile includes at least 2 previous work experiences, you are 12 times more likely to be found on LinkedIn.

  • A fully uploaded LinkedIn profile receives 21 times more profile views and 36 times more messages than incomplete profiles.

  • There are 35,000 skills listed on LinkedIn.

  • LinkedIn is currently available in 24 languages.

  • Every month, 100 M job applications appear on LinkedIn.

  • 2 million posts, articles and videos are published daily.

  • There are 6 million IT decision makers on LinkedIn.

  • The average CEO has 930 connections.

  • More than 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn regularly.

  • LinkedIn message ads have a 40% conversion rate.

A presence on Linkedin is useful for everyone.  Who is better, who is less.  If you want to know how much of your target group is present on Linkedin, so it would be profitable for you to deal with it,   I will analyze it and give it to you free of charge.


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